The Church of the Bells

Supporting Africa, One Student at a Time

May 14, 2015 Office of Communications California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church Since 2008, Holman United Methodist Church (Los Angeles, CA) has been providing a female student at Africa University (Mutare, Zimbabwe) with a full four-year academic scholarship. The cost?  $5,700 (U.S.) per year, which includes tuition, books, room and board. The scholarship was…

YAM Connect Study starts 4/19!

We’re excited to share the launch of a new study group for young (and young-ish) adults!  The Young Adult Ministry (YAM) Connect Study will meet on 3rd Sundays from 9:45 – 10:45 am between Sunday services in the Education Building, Room 2. To be led by our Assistant Pastor, Victor Cyrus-Franklin, this will be a time for…