The Church of the Bells

Driving Diversity: An article featuring one of our own, Robin Clay

Driving diversity Simmons, Clay strive for inclusivity at School of Medicine The mission of the MU School of Medicine is to improve the health of all people, especially Missourians, through exemplary education, research and patient-centered care. For Mizzou MedPrep coordinator Andrea Simmons, two phrases in the medical school’s mission immediately stand out: “all people” and…

Screening, Intervening and Referring for Alcohol Problems: Tools and Strategies for Faith Communities

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics, is offering a free webinar on Screening, Intervening and Referring for Alcohol Problems, especially as it relates to caring for our own faith communities. Unfortunately, substance abuse affects almost all of our families, but as a caring church community we can support each other. I hope you’ll join…