The Vital Living Program
Your Journey to, education, maintenance, and prevention of a chronic disease
Have you ever been told by your health care professional that you are:
- At risk or have a chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, heart disease or obesity?
You may be at high risk for of the above chronic diseases due to your lifestyle or genetics, however years of research through this evidence based program offers alternatives to prevention of these chronic diseases. The Vital Living Program will support you and provide tools for you to change your life to a healthy life style through prevention with tools to maintain this change.
CYL-2 is an evidenced based program that can empower you towards a lifestyle for prevention of chronic disease. This year long program is facilitated by trained lifestyle coaches in a group setting for 16-week sessions and six (6) bi-monthly follow-up sessions with expert guest speakers, along with your own personal Lifestyle Coach.
All eligible participants will be granted a full scholarship valued at $1,200 by Center for Disease Control provided by Black Women Health Imperative to Black Women for Wellness for the community.