The Church of the Bells

Rev. Dr. Yvonne Williams Boyd will be our guest preacher Sunday, August 13, 2023

Rev. Dr. Yvonne Williams Boyd received her undergraduate degree from Howard University Divinity School in May, 1984.  She is a 2020 graduate of Wesley Theological Seminary, earning her Doctor of Ministry degree.

She received her Deacon ordination in the Baltimore Annual Conference, at its Bicentennial celebration of Methodism within the United States.  She was appointed to Asbury United Methodist Church in Hagerstown, MD.  After two years as pastor at Asbury UMC, she received her Elder ordination at the Baltimore Annual Conference 202nd session, and, on July 1, 1986 relocated to Los Angeles where she became a member of the California Pacific Annual Conference.  There she was appointed as an Associate Pastor at Holman United Methodist Church, and served with the Reverend Dr. James M. Lawson, Jr. 

After four years of ministry at Holman, Reverend Boyd was appointed as an Associate Pastor at Simi Valley UMC.

In 1991, Rev. Dr. Boyd received her appointment to Altadena UMC. During her 23 years of pastoral ministry at Altadena she influenced the lives of young people, encouraging them to pursue vocations in ministry and serve the UMC across the connection – with seminary training, as Congressional Interns, US II Partners in Mission, and more. 
For five years, she served the Pasadena District as co-dean of the Junior High District Camp.  From 2000-2009 Reverend Boyd was an adjunct professor in the Claremont School of Theology Licensing School, and, Course of Study.  She was the Director of the Licensing School from 2005-2009.

An advocate for Social Justice, Rev. Dr. Boyd was the voice that gave birth to participation of the California Pacific Annual Conference in the Burn Church Summer Work Camp; this in response to the terror that Black churches throughout the South experienced.  As a result, the California Pacific Annual Conference made a commitment to send four work teams to designated Church rebuilding work sites, each year during the month of August.  Rev. Dr. Boyd led 8 teams between 1996 and 2005.

Upon completion of advanced studies in Clinical Pastoral Education, through the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education, along with a Clinical Chaplain Residency at Providence St. John’s Health Center located in Santa Monica, CA in August 2015.  She served as Clinical Chaplain at Kaiser Permanente, West Los Angeles from 2015-2020.   She is currently on staff as a Clinical Chaplain at Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara, CA. With all this said, her greatest honor is that of loving her family, husband Dr. Homer Boyd, Jr. an Internist and Supervisor Physician in Public Health, for LA County Health Department, and their daughter Emily Kirsten Boyd, a recent graduate of Columbia University, Master of Science.