The Church of the Bells

PEC Estate Planning Workshop

Preserve Your Legacy with an Estate Plan

“Let Your Bell Ring Forever!”

Estate Planning. To many people, it sounds complicated and foreign, something only the wealthy or the elderly need to worry about. Even parents with young children, who know they should at least have a Will, tend to think of estate planning as somehow beyond their reach. In truth, regardless of your age, your situation in life, or your level of wealth, estate planning is attainable.

The Collins Law Group will facilitate the workshop and provide further information on these areas of estate planning:

  1. PROBATE COSTS & DELAYS: Avoid delays of 9 months to 2 years or more. Eliminate or minimize substantial court, attorneys’ and executors’ fees.
  2. FAMILY FEUDS: Discourage family disagreements and fighting by planning for different individual needs and ensure that your estate plan leaves your family a loving and lasting legacy.
  3. DIVORCE, LAWSUITS & CREDITORS: Preserve your children’s inheritance if they divorce…up to 50% of your assets could walk out the door with your ex in-law.
  4. LONG-TERM CARE COSTS: Protect your nest egg from nursing home costs, which average over $10,000 per month in Los Angeles County.
  5. CONSERVATORSHIP: The average cost to establish a conservatorship in California is $25,000. Avoid this costly, time-consuming and humiliating process by pre-designating who you want to handle your affairs.
  6. REMARRIAGE: Prevent your assets from going to a stranger instead of your children if your spouse gets remarried after your death.
  7. INCAPACITY: Make your final wishes known with a Living Will and Health Care Proxy. Avoid a publicly humiliating and expensive guardianship proceeding if you become legally incapacitated or disabled.

Seating Is Limited, So Call Now to Register! 310-677-9787 ext. 10

or go to and register online.