Rev. Kimberly Scott is a cradle United Methodist. Kimberly was nicknamed the “Revival Baby” after her mother gave birth to her two months early after leaving a Fall Revival. Her seeds for ministry were planted at an early age by a father who served as the Lay Leader and a mother who was the Children’s Choir Director during her childhood.
Kimberly is a second career pastor who retired from her school counseling career to answer her call to ministry in 2012 after a series of signs from God and traumatic church experiences. While she loved working with students, God was calling her to help the young persons who were being harmed by the church. You see her time working as a school counselor allowed her to come in contact with many students who were wrestling with their sexuality, depression, and suicidal ideation due to the religious upbringing. It was also an experience she was familiar.
Kimberly has lived most of her adult life as an out Queer (same gender loving) woman and has both witnessed and experienced the challenges of straddling the trifecta of intersections of sexuality, race, and gender in the United Methodist Church. Pastor Kimberly has a passion for doing the liberating work of Jesus Christ. Most importantly she wants to see ALL of GOD’s children experience radical hospitality and inclusion in the church that we see exemplified by Jesus throughout the Gospels.
Pastor Kimberly holds a Master of Divinity degree from the Iliff School of Theology as well as a Master of Educational Leadership, a Master of Science in Educational Psychology, and Master of Theology from Columbia Theological Seminary. Kimberly was ordained the first openly queer and African American female Elder in the Desert Southwest Conference and 2020. She is currently working on PhD in Practical Theology/Spiritual Care at the Claremont School of Theology. She has helped in the grassroots work of Reconciling Ministries Network in both the Desert Southwest and Mountain Sky Conferences since 2012. Kimberly currently serves as the Board Chair of the Reconciling Ministries Network.