As announced earlier this month, parents, caregivers, youth, children and all volunteers who are passionate about ministries with young people are urged to attend two planned visioning sessions for Holman’s young people’s ministries. In order for us to continue our journey of vitality and growth, you are needed to help these ministries thrive!
These sessions will be opportunities for us to engage principles of Safe Sanctuary toward greater vitality and growth of our children’s and youth ministries. Our next Safe Sanctuary Visioning Session will convene Saturday, July 26 from 9:00-11:00 am, during the regular N.O.W. meeting. Our previous session on went well, but we need more participation as we press ahead. All church ministry chairpersons and leaders and urged to attend this important time of visioning and planning!
At the Safe Sanctuary Visioning Session will engage:
- basic principles and requirements for Safe Sanctuary
- implications for impact on all of Holman’s ministries
- begin strategizing for implementing our updated Safe Sanctuary policy for vitality and growth.
Out of these sessions, teams breakout teams will be formed to address needs for the:
- Nursery
- Children’s Ministry
- Youth Ministry
These teams are invited to meet and convene in person or via conference call between August 1-20 for strategy development for their ministry area. Teams would vision ways to:
- Make children/youth space more welcoming hospitable to young people
- Sign/in out process for all children/youth activities
- Coordinating volunteers for implementation of Safe Sanctuary
Upon finalizing the strategies, plans and recommendations will be finalized on the following dates in August:
- Saturday, August 23 | 9:00 -11:00 am (Regular Church Council meeting)
- Thursday, August 28 | 7:00 -8:30 pm
Strategy would be presented by breakout teams at the fifth Sunday Faith Formation Forum on August 31, 2014.
Join us on this journey of vital ministry with our young people! Your voice is needed!