Greetings Faith and Community Partners,
In this moment, we are praying for your health and safety. We know that you are on the frontline of this COVID-19 crisis, the trusted voices our congregations and communities look to in times of trouble. We want to thank you for stepping up and giving that reassurance that, while it is important to follow the guidance coming from our state and local political leaders and healthcare professionals, God is still in control and that this too will pass.
Like all of you, we are adjusting how we connect with each other, how we share important information and resources. We are encouraged to see live streaming bible studies and messages, the use of social media platforms, emails, virtual conference calls, and making direct check-in calls. Thank God for these tools. Therefore, we’re not slowing down, just doing business differently.
A Call To Action!
The 2020 Census is Here! With your help we can ensure that 100% of our congregations and communities are counted.
As we shelter at home and learn more about how the pandemic will affect Census enumeration, we must double down on our current efforts to count every person. Ensuring we are counted is more important than ever!
The Census only happens once every 10 years. Besides determining the number of our congressional seats and redistricting, the Census allocates more than $800 Million to our communities. These are the resources we will depend on as our communities rebuild from the effects of COVID-19. From the loss of jobs, the loss of small businesses, schools, challenges to our healthcare, and other vital resources, having an accurate Census will be essential to us rebuilding.
It’s quick, easy, and safe. It will only take 10 minutes to complete to make an impact in our communities for the next 10 years!
The 2020 Census can be completed online, by phone or by mail. The Black Community is historically under-counted, also known as a Hard to Count (HTC) community, and like our legacy, faith and community leaders like you will play a key role in ensuring that everyone in our congregations and communities are counted!
Join us for a 2020 Census Virtual Convening! Thursday, April 9, 2020, @ 5PM – 6PM. Get important updates and information on the 2020 Census from the Los Angeles, Inglewood, and Compton city representatives. We will also provide strategies and tools for sharing this information with your congregations and communities. Our intent is not to come out of these challenging times the same, but with God, together and better!”
In Solidarity,
SCLC-SC 2020 Census Team