The Church of the Bells

Angel City Chorale Concert

The Amy Foundation Youth Choir will be our guests for this Sunday, May 27th, at 11 am worship



The Amy Foundation is a bright light born out of tragedy. A Fulbright scholar from Southern California was murdered in 1993 in an act of political mob violence amidst the turbulent times of change in South Africa. The response to this tragedy was to create a foundation to serve the vulnerable children from the townships in Cape Town emphasizing that violence is not the solution to conflicts. By focusing on creativity, the Amy Foundation aims to make learning enjoyable while also fostering the drive for academic success.  It provides a safe environment, emphasizing the development of emotionally well-rounded youth who make positive life choices and become contributing members of society.  The music program, only one of many programs provided by the foundation, helps young people develop the strength, self-confidence, resilience, and self-image that allows them to participate in society on healthy terms. The Amy Foundation is a testimony to the fact that the positive development young people experience in community arts and cultural programs is related to success in other areas of their lives.  The AMY FOUNDATION CHOIR shares its message of hope and determination for a brighter future through its music.