The Church of the Bells

All Church Conference to be held on Saturday, February 12, 11:30 am via Zoom videoconference

All Church Conference Announcement

Holman United Methodist Church

The Rev. Mark Nakagawa, West District Superintendent, hereby authorizes an all-church conference to be held on Saturday, February 12, 11:30 am via Zoom videoconference. This is in accordance with The United Methodist Book of Discipline ⁋ 249 regarding The Church Conference. The agenda will be limited to voting on the Nominations and Lay Leadership report of officers, committee chairs and members for the current year. All professing members who are listed on the membership rolls at the time of the church conference and who are present at the meeting will be eligible to vote on this matter.


Topic: Special Called ALL CHURCH CONFERENCE 
Time: Saturday, February 12th at 11:30 AM 

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