The Church of the Bells

A Day of Service in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – Free Mammogram Screenings and More!


• Date of Event: Saturday, 1/15/21
• Location: 2nd parking level at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza off Stocker . Event is 100% outside. Last year it was unseasonably warm (80’s). Bring a light jacket for the morning. It’s LA!

  • Biggest requirement: Lots of smiles and a heart of gratitude
    • Physical and mental requirements: This is a  physically demanding event. It will require constant standing, bending, twisting, lifting and walking.   The food distribution boxes may weigh between 10 – 50 lbs. You may be asked to direct traffic on the premises which will require standing.  
    • Volunteer Parking: Same level.  
    • Volunteer Check in:
  • Morning volunteers check in @  8:30 am- General assignments-Help set up tents & signage; stuff back packs (I think we will have 200 back packs to stuff). Hand out back packs to cars in the drive thru distribution. General “can do” assignments.
    • Afternoon volunteers check in @ noon- Pass out back packs, General “can do” assignments and clean up
  • Attire: Purple T-shirt and Black bottoms. Please wear comfortable shoes.
    • COVID protocols:
  • Masks are required.
    • Gloves will be provided.
      • Volunteers will be required to go through a COVID check point (questionnaire and temperature check) at the volunteer processing station prior to beginning their shift.
      • If fully vaccinated, please have vaccination card available if required by the County of Los Angeles.
  • Time of Event: 10am – 2pm
    • Lunch: Lunch will be provided to the volunteers between 11:30 – 1:30 (give and go basis)          
    • Restrooms: Port-a-potties will be on site. The mall does not open until 10am.    
    • Contacts: Loyola Batiste, MLK Day of Service Volunteer Coordinator cell 310-480-5833 and email:  Please text or email Loyola with your cell and volunteer contact . Loyola will confirm your service times and provide any updates on the event via cell or the contact info you provide.

Final thoughts: “Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace.” A Soul Generated by Love, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.