The Church of the Bells

Posts by HolmanWebmaster (Page 2)

The UMC Must Divest from Occupied Palestine

BLACK, SOUTH AFRICAN, UNITED METHODIST, AND PROUD SUPPORTER OF DIVESTMENT IN OCCUPIED PALESTINE! by Rev. Kelvin Sauls, Senior Pastor, Holman United Methodist Church As a Black South African, I’m excited to join my fellow United Methodist brothers and sisters in Portland to re-examine and explore the great commission for such a time as this. Given…

Holman to Host Women’s Health Update

The purpose of this event is to provide a community update from one of the world’s premier scientific conferences, the Conference of Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI).  This event is geared towards providing updates on women’s health, particularly in the arena of biomedical research, as the implications of the findings have broader policy and research…