The Church of the Bells

Navigating Next: Equipping Leaders for Innovative Ministry in 2022

Gammon Theological Seminary will host Navigating Next on-demand and for free from January 25 – February 25, 2022, and we hope you and your colleagues, friends or team will join us!

We will offer free virtual leadership intensives that will equip pastors and church leaders as they Navigate Next in 2022.

You and your team are invited to experience these workshops on one day using a suggested schedule in a way that is safe and convenient for you, either for a full day of learning or by break out sessions over a series of meetings. All sessions will remain available to view from January 25 – February 25, 2022, with the exception of Dr. Jemar Tisby’s talk and Q&A being available only through January 31.

  • Due to Covid uptick, rather than gathering together in a group setting, it is suggested you consider a zoom session, audio listening session, etc.

Topics and speakers include:

  • How to Fight Racism by Dr. Jemar Tisby
  • Innovative Leadership Rev. Olu Brown, Rev. Nathalie Nelson Parker and Rev. Rodney T. Smothers
  • Digital Discipleship by Nona Jones
  • Clergy Self Care by Dr. Bridget Piggue
  • Generosity by Carla Maxwell Ray
  • Tips and Tools for Church Technology in 2022 by Rev. Tim Farmer.

Navigating Next is for any pastor or church leader in any denomination who desires to strengthen their own ministry. See you there!

Register today for FREE!

Rev. Dr. Candace M. Lewis
President Dean
Gammon Theological Seminary – ITC