The Church of the Bells

A Virtual Event Hosted by the Cal-Pac Conference of the United Methodist Men “Are You Using Your Gifts for God?”

Hosted by the Cal Pac Conference of the United Methodist Men
A VIRTUAL EVENT – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm PST
Thursday, December 3, 2020

Dear friends,
Please join us for an evening of uplifting and encouragement. All denominations are welcome as are men, women and children alike. Are You Using Your Gifts for God? hosted by Cal-Pac United Methodist Men. An open invitation to men from all walks of life, and demonstrations. An open discussion about God’s impact on your life and how are you improving others’ lives using your gifts?
Theme: Are You Using Your Gifts for God?
David James, President Western Jurisdiction UMM
Reginald Grant, MS Ed., President Cal Pac Conference UMM
Larry Dozier, Robert Bartley, Walter Briggs, former NFL QB and many others.A VIRTUAL EVENT – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm PST