The Church of the Bells

God is Our Refuge: Response to the Fires

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present] help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change,
    though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
    though the mountains tremble with its tumult.”

– Psalm 46:1-3 (New Revised Standard Version)

Dear Holman family and community,

The sudden fires that have spread throughout the Los Angeles area continue to rage, leading to loss of life, destruction of homes and displacement of households with an unclear path for recovery. In the midst of this crisis, our United Methodist conference is encouraged to pray a litany that reads “God, our refuge and our strength, our ever-present help in the time of trouble, we pray this day for all who are experiencing loss from the Los Angeles fires. God, you have promised never to leave us or forsake us. We need you now.”

One of the ways God shows up is through the compassion, hands and feet of the body of Christ. Though our building in West Adams has not been in the evacuation path, the Holman community is impacted as members of our congregation, staff and family members have lost homes, been displaced through evacuations or remain under threat from the fires throughout the region. We also stand with sister congregations and communities who face tremendous loss and a long road to recovery. As Jesus assures us, “when you have done it for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have done it for me” (Matthew 25:40), there are many who seek ways to help and support.

Below are trusted resources and partners for ways to directly support those impacted by the fires. If you would like to donate directly to Holman for fire recovery and support, designate your gift here, and we will disburse to organizations to fund support.

The days ahead are uncertain, yet, with God’s help, our broken hearts shall be healed and communities restored. Breathe as best you can. Be grounded in God’s grace. Pray without ceasing. “God is our refuge and strength.”

Peace and grace,

Rev. Victor Cyrus-Franklin
Lead Pastor
Holman United Methodist Church

Updates from the California-Pacific Conference

The California-Pacific Conference of The United Methodist Church has set up a portal where people can give to its Los Angeles Fire Recovery Fund. People also can donate money through the United Methodist Committee on Relief to support the church’s response to the fires and other U.S. disasters.

As our communities process the trauma and loss they’ve experienced this week, the Cal-Pac Conference is also hoping to share access to grief counselors in our network. If you or someone you know is qualified to support this need, please reach out to Rev. Dr. Denyse Barnes, Director of Justice and Compassion, at

Community UMC of Pacific Palisades and Altadena UMC, a historic Black congregation in the Conference, both had their buildings destroyed in the fires. Altadena UMC is requesting gift cards to Target for clothing and other immediate needs items. Please send gift cards of any denomination to the conference office for distribution:

Rev. Dr. Denyse Barnes
c/o California-Pacific Annual Conference
PO Box 6006
Pasadena, CA 91102-6006

Sign Ups to Volunteer for Relief Efforts

The Clergy Community Coalition and the Faith Collaborative to End Homelessness are coordinating volunteers and relief efforts across Altadena/Pasadena faith communities and partners.  We are in need of volunteers to support these relief efforts across the region. Please sign up to lend a hand if you can. You may be asked to help various organizations in the area as opportunities come available.

Here is the sign up link:

Benevolence Fund for Multi-Faith Congregations

LA Voice has created a Benevolence Fund in response to the wildfires currently ravaging LA County. With a gift of any size, you can help the LA Voice inter-faith community sustain through these devastating times, granting Angelenos the space to mourn what has been lost without having to worry about basic needs. Click here to contribute.

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