The Church of the Bells

Metro Youth Council Application Now Open

Metro is creating its first Youth Council with the goal of developing the capacity of young people to engage with and participate in Metro’s plans, projects, programs and initiatives. 

The Youth Council is built upon these objectives:

  • Listen to the concerns and hopes of young people and future riders.
  • Receive new ideas and perspectives about issues Metro may face.
  • Engage future community leaders and increase youth’s awareness of Metro.
  • Provide a space for youth leaders to share their voices in transportation decision-making.
  • Create life-long riders.

Requirements for Consideration

  • Live in Los Angeles County and be between 14-17 years old.
  • Have the time to commit to a 1-year term and complete an “Introduction to Metro” training.
  • Must have a willingness to learn and participate in monthly meetings (in person and/or virtually).
  • Motivated to conduct public outreach to engage other fellow youth.
  • Participate in meaningful dialogue with Metro’s leadership on projects, programs and initiatives.


  • Civic engagement and leadership development.
  • Letter of recommendation.
  • Mentorship & networking.
  • Attend & participate in Metro events/activities (where possible).
  • End of year stipend.

If you know someone who is interested, have them apply here! Application is open now through November 18.

Metro is also hosting virtual information sessions for youth to learn more about Metro Youth Council. The sessions will take place via Zoom.

  • Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 6 p.m. RSVP
  • Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 6 p.m. RSVP
  • Thursday, Nov. 4 at 6 p.m. RSVP
  • Saturday, Nov. 6 at 11 a.m. RSVP
  • Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 6 p.m. RSVP

To learn more about Metro Youth Council visit or email