The Church of the Bells

Always Ask For Worker Identification

California American Water cares about the safety of its customers and employees. We want to remind customers that thieves sometimes pose as utility workers to rob homes or con money from unsuspecting customers. 
California American Water recommends taking the following precautions when approached by someone who says they are a utility worker: Always ask for a company-issued photo ID. All California American Water employees carry company-issued photo ID badges and, in most circumstances, employees should not need access to indoor facilities to read meters, turn service on or off, or perform maintenance work.Look for the logo. All California American Water service personnel wear uniforms and drive company-branded vehicles with the company logo.Never give cash. Our employees and contractors never collect money or credit card information from customers in the field.Call to verify. Customers are encouraged to call our customer service center at 1-888-237-1333 to verify an employee’s identification and reason for their visit.If you suspect someone may be a utility imposter, close and lock your door, and call 911. You can also call California American Water to report the incident and confirm whether service work is scheduled in the area.
We care about our customers’ safety. Take the time to ensure that the utility representative at your door is a legitimate employee on official utility business. We don’t mind the wait. We believe it’s worth the peace of mind for our customers.