The Church of the Bells

September Leadership Trainings

Upcoming Leadership Training for Holman UMC ministry leaders!


SBC21 Lay Leadership Trainings (9/22-23)

Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century (SBC21) Lay Leadership Training is Tuesday, 9/22 and Wednesday, 9/23, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.   Rev. Dr. Fred Allen, National Director of SBC21 (who was with us at the beginning of the year), will return to facilitate this conference.

Dr. Allen is an ordained United Methodist elder with more than 30 years experience as a senior pastor, administrator and church agency executive. He earned degrees from Tennessee State University, Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, Mo., and Drew University School of Theology in Madison, N.J. Dr. Allen is married to Christine, a public school teacher, and is the father of four children.



NOW Ministries Meeting: Radical Hospitality Workshop (9/26)

We meet next on Saturday, September 26th, 9:00 am–11:30 am in the Crockett Library.  This is the opportunity to meet and continue to engage our ministries in a spirit of collaboration, cooperation, communication and commitment, as we work to be connectional in our ministry together.  Our time together will include conversation on radical hospitality.